Terms of Use:
Usage of the Maple Leaf Learning Library is subject to the following Terms. By signing up for the Maple Leaf Learning Library, you agree to be bound by these Terms for the duration of your Membership.
Privacy and User Information Policy:
Maple Leaf Learning cares deeply about your privacy, and will never sell or otherwise distribute your information to third parties except the minimum strictly necessary to receive payment. By using the Maple Leaf Learning Library, you assert that all personal information given is true and accurate, and understand that any discovery of falsification of personal information may result in an immediate revocation of your Membership without refund.
Content License:
Usage of Materials accessed or downloaded from the Maple Leaf Learning Library is subject to the following Provisions. Failure to adhere to these Provisions may result in immediate revocation of your Membership without refund.
1: Use of Materials is limited to personal and classroom use. Users with Active Memberships are granted a singular License to use any Materials downloaded from the Maple Leaf Learning Library for usage and distribution in personal and classroom settings. Any distribution or usage of Materials outside of these limitations is strictly prohibited.
2: Materials may be photocopied and printed freely by the User so long as the User adheres to Provision (1). Distribution of photocopied Materials outside of these Provisions is strictly prohibited.
3: Materials may not be shared in any form outside of Provision (1). Sharing Materials outside of the Terms of Provision (1) is strictly prohibited. Selling Materials to any third party is a breach of copyright and is subject to applicable law.
4: Membership with the Maple Leaf Learning Library may not be shared by multiple parties. Membership with the Maple Leaf Learning Library is a singular License, and may not be transferred or shared between multiple parties for any reason. Failure to comply with this Provision is considered a breach of our Privacy and User Information Policy.
5: Maple Leaf Learning makes no guarantees of general usefulness, correctness, availability, or safety of Materials available in the Maple Leaf Learning Library, and assumes no liability for the results of their usage. Any damages incurred from use of Materials is the sole responsibility of the User. Materials may be removed, changed, or relocated at any time at the sole discretion of Maple Leaf Learning.
6: Membership with the Maple Leaf Learning Library is granted to the User for the duration of his or her subscription. Paid subscriptions are automatically renewed yearly, and each payment grants the subscriber one (1) year of continued Membership. Subscriptions of any kind can be canceled by the User at any time by visiting the Account page.
7: Users with active Membership in good standing may request a refund if they are not satisfied with the Materials available through the Maple Leaf Learning Library. Maple Leaf Learning reserves the right to arbitrate the approval or rejection of refunds at its sole discretion.